miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

Questions 17 and 18

Shaina, how can we save the world?

Long time no see Adriana! Well, in order to save the world, you would need to be a very special superhero, or superheroine in our case. This means that you'd need to have special qualities like courage, solidarity, compassion and honesty,  you would absolutely have to already found out what R-E-S-P-E-C-T means. You'd need to be smart, funny, beautiful and wear a purple uniform, basically what I'm telling you is that in order to save the world you would need to be me,  you know Shaina, but worry not! I'm on the look for a sidekick, please make sure to send in your application. I can't promise you we will save the world together but at least you get a chance to stand by me when I do =) Peace Out!

Who came first, chicken or eggs? =/
-Le Munkz

I'm so glad you have given me a chance to unveil the truth around this highly debated question Le Munkz. You see, if we go back in time, we'll meet Maggy the chicken (names have been changed to protect the parties' privacy) even tho she was 32, in chicken years of course, she could not conceive a chick of her own. The desperate little bird went to the Rocks and Stones Adoption Agency to see if they could help her. Mr. Cajun, the President of the Agency, who also happened to be a retired mad scientist, made her a proposition:
Decades ago he had been working on a special capsule that was meant to achieve World Peace somehow but since the Russian tried to steal it from him, the E.G.G, as he named it, had been hidden. If he could combine the E.G.G with his Size Reduction Laser, the Tinytor 3000, another of his shelved experiments, he could provide her with the long wanted desire, a chick of her own! Well almost, he would have to take one of the orphan chicks, shoot it with the Tinytor 3000 and then put it inside the E.G.G. After that, all Maggy had to do was swallow the capsule and then give birth to her baby. As crazy as it might have seem, Maggy accepted as she was a very desperate chicken.
Days went by and Maggy finally gave birth to her precious little one. All the chickens in her neighborhood became fascinated with this new form of reproduction and it wasn't long before it became popular in the bird community world wide. Mr. Cajun returned to his previous career  and even won a Nobel Prize.
So, if we take into account that the E.G.G. was invented years before Maggy was even born, then the answer is quite simple. The egg came first.

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