viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011

Questions 9 and 10

Why do men have nipples?

That's an easy question and the answer is: "Because all humans are female prior to the 7th week in the wound of the mother, that's when the male fetus starts to produce hormones." So yeah, for about 6 weeks of your life you were a GIRL. I hope that doesn't interfere with your sexual life. You were a girl, but now you are a boy, simple. Now, cuz that was such an easy question, I propose you this one instead: Why, against all good sense of engineering, are testicles on the outside?

Does God exist? How? Where?

Yes he does. How? Well, it all started when his father and mother had sex and became pregnant, or if you are under 10 then he exists because the stork delivered him. Where? I'd tell you he is in a house in L.A with his roommates Santa and the Easter Bunny but since they are under the witness protection program and Darth Vader is looking for them, I'll tell that I don't know where he is...

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Question 8

Why do people fear death?


Do people fear death? I wasn't aware of this. I thought people loved death and they loved going to funerals cause everyone looks splendid in black. I even planned going to 3 funerals one day with my friends! There are also a thousand TV shows about the topic too and they are so popular!!! When did this fear thing started? OMG I fear not knowing the answer!!! T.T

sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011

Question 7

Shaina, why the waffles are so tasty to me, yet, I haven't eaten one in my life?

Hello Lei, glad to see your first question. The reason that this happens Lei is that you are sexually aroused by square shaped food. Don't try to deny, just embrace that reality! If you don't believe this just search "square watermelon" and you'll find yourself drooling all over your keyboard. Another proof is that you have tried pancakes but don't actually "love" them just cause they are so round, and let's face it; waffles and pancakes are basically the same!

Yours answerly, Shaina.

jueves, 6 de enero de 2011

Question 6

Dear Shaina:

When is Joma going to be my girlfriend?

-Viann Chan

Dear Viann, I hate to break it to you but it seems like Joma is after a bigger, more prehistoric yet purpler "male" figure; yes, Joma is in love with Barney... So even if things don't work out so well with him, Joma's second choice would be a vampire. That little girl has a peculiar taste in men, but we are not here to judge; just answer questions.